These Cheap Breitling Replica straps are highly rated and Artem makes a great product for a fraction of the price. Now the young brand has set its sights on going beyond black canvas, offering NATO straps and blue canvas straps with several different stitching color options.

The first thing you might notice is the watch, with its slim titanium sheen, mostly grey, black and gold. These colors are also the exact combination on this Artem NATO. While I know that sometimes overmatching can be a bad thing, this is simply not the case here.
The Breitling Replica Watches Big Sale and strap are perfectly coordinated, not only in terms of color matching. The Breitling Aerospace is a watch that is known for being thin, at less than 10mm in height. The fact that it is made of titanium and has no mechanical movement also makes it very lightweight.

The two layers of material underneath do add a few millimeters of height, but it’s still well below the average thickness of most watches. It’s light, which means it doesn’t move on the wrist, which can happen with heavier/taller watches when placed on a soft NATO. As many of you will agree, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than a tall, heavy watch dangling on a NATO strap.
When I first saw the Artem’s black, grey and gold strap, I knew this Breitling Replica watch could never be better paired. I am happy to report that my theory is indeed correct.

Belts are what people call “seat belts.” However, while the material is smooth to the touch, it doesn’t have the sheen of other NATO belts. It’s soft, yet tough. It is only comparable to the OEM Omega straps, both in construction and materials.
While 1:1 Breitling Replica bracelet is light and lightweight, I’ve actually started to enjoy it. It changes completely once it’s on the wrist. You can barely feel its weight, and with the right spring bars, there is no rattle on the hollow-end links. I think full metal jackets will be back as winter approaches. But for now, this perfectly matched NATO doesn’t make me happy.

Finally, as always, I’d love to know what you think of this combination. Did you go by yourself? Or is it too “matched” for your tastes?